How Do I Order a Syllabus?

Most syllabi for The University of the ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ from 2003 forward are kept on file in the Office of the Dean of the College.

How to Order a Syllabus

Current and former students may request syllabi via the Google form specifically for this purpose. .

Electronic copies of syllabi will be shared with the requester via a folder in Google Drive. The University of the ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ does not provide faxed syllabi. Please do not call to request transcripts.

Although most requests are processed sooner, please allow four weeks for our office to complete your request. In the event that we do not have a copy of a syllabus on hand, we will request it from the professor.

What is a Syllabus?

A syllabus is the professor’s outline of topics, readings, and assignments covered during a course. Students and alumni may need a syllabus when seeking admission to graduate or professional schools or transferring to another institution.