The Sewanee Writing Center, located on the main floor of duPont Library, provides peer support to Sewanee students for writing assignments and projects of all kinds.

What do you have due right now? An upcoming paper? Fellowship application? Research project?

At the Writing Center, you can find help with everything from the first stages of planning a writing project to the final edits before submitting your work. Our tutors are dedicated to working with students and assignments from across the College, and they are committed to offering guidance and feedback that will help you make the most out of your writing -- right now. 


at the writing center, We can:
  • help you navigate an assignment sheet.
  • work with you to arrange your ideas in an effective outline.
  • help you make the best use of any sources, and cite them appropriately.
  • provide an "extra pair of eyes" for determining how effective an argument is, and how smoothly its pieces work together.
  • talk with you about how to strengthen your prose style, beyond simply identifying common grammar mistakes.
  • give you a person to talk through your ideas with, and help you develop strong and compelling claims from them.
  • and more!



The Writing Center is open Sunday-Thursday from 1:30-4:00 and from 7:00-9:30.

We are located next to the café in the library, and you can find our tutors sitting by the windows, wearing nametags. You can always walk-in to the Center to get help, but you are encouraged to make an appointment to be sure someone is available.