“I have so many skill sets outside of my major.â€

Economics, Proficiency, & Luxury Textiles


Annie Veron, C'16
Account Manager
Major: Economics

Annie Veron, C’16, wasn’t sure what to study when she came to Sewanee. Luckily, thanks to the University’s broad liberal arts curriculum, she was able to delve into all sorts of subject matter. Annie found what she was good at and what she enjoyed.

As a freshman, Annie took a philosophy class that completely changed her outlook on the collegiate journey. While it seemed intimidating at first, the class helped Annie realize that she was capable—and the faculty at Sewanee would continue to affirm that.

Annie debated between studying economics and studying art—a juxtaposition of disciplines for sure. Though she eventually landed on economics, Annie wanted to end up in a field that would allow her to showcase both passions, the creative and analytical realm.

“I love the structure of economics and the freedom of art,” Annie says.

After graduating from Sewanee, Annie worked as a stockbroker with a big financial company in Austin, Texas. It didn’t necessarily utilize her creative abilities like she wanted though. Annie soon made the transition to New Mexico where she became the accounts manager for a luxury textile design company called AIMEE LACALLE. Annie doesn’t just analyze sales at this startup—she helps interior designers select fabric for their projects. She’s combining her passions in an unlikely way.

“I’m able to introduce them to our system and help them decide on the best textile choices for their clients,” Annie says. “And because this is a startup, I find myself filling different roles and adapting to them well.”

Integrated education helps new fields materialize within industries—ones you might not ever imagine. Annie has noticed that her all of her Sewanee classes play a role in helping her succeed in her new position. “Selecting a business-style major within a liberal arts school has opened up so many opportunities,” she says. “I’m not ever tied down.”